Documenting a Grammy nominated Choir

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Documenting a Grammy nominated Choir

It was an early project and it was an intense project.  Last semester, in late September, we got a taste of the Texas, working with Conspirare, a Grammy nominated choir from Austin (check ‘em out here

It was FiveCoreMedia’s first project working together – although we all felt comfortable with the equipment and our ability to capture quality footage – there was the measure of uncertainty that comes with the first time that we were to worktogether as a unit. Think Chris Paul going to the Clippers – a lot of talent coming in… but what about the chemistry?  Well, it worked out quite smoothly, all things considered.  We were busy, I put in over 20 hours in three days and I think Kate put in a similar number.  I think Kyle may have dragged a cot into Sauder Hall.  The choir members were easygoing, joking around with themselves and with us. Another great opportunity was the chance to use our equipment to its fullest.  We had as many four cameras rolling at once (three Sony NX5s and a JVC HD250), as well as a boom mic, a couple of light kits, several reflectors and a jib – though we had to relegate the jib to the back of Sauder Hall, it was clutch, grabbing a couple of our more gorgeous sweeping shots. The coordination of the event took a bit of work – for two and a half days, we had at least 3 people there at a time (at several points we had as many as 7), and we were all pretty bushed after the shoot. The night’s sleep I got after the shoot was almost as great as the experience itself. A good show indeed.

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